Our providers at Twin Creeks Orthopedic Clinic in Allen, TX, are conquering pain through innovative and regenerative treatment options such as Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for joint and soft tissue pain. They are here to discuss what you need to know about PRP Therapy and how it can help you.
Platelets are taken from your plasma, the clear, liquid portion of blood. Platelets are responsible for all healing processes throughout the body through clotting abilities, release of growth factors, cell reproduction, and tissue regeneration. Platelets also enable specific hormones to accelerate, stimulate, and speed up the healing of certain conditions and diseases.
Platelet-rich means that excess platelets are removed from your blood and prepared for reinjection to painful parts of your body. The PRP that is reinjected into your body contains unusually higher concentration of platelets than what’s in your blood.
This therapy involves:
This therapy is valuable in improving mobility, reducing inflammation, ridding pain, and regaining an ideal quality of life. The following are few conditions where PRP Therapy has been successful.
There’s minimal to no side effects because these injections are from your blood.
If you suffer from any types of relentless pain, have tried all available options without success, and not looking into surgery, please call our clinic at 469-884-7455. Make your appointment today for a consultation about PRP Therapy. We can help you create an excellent pain management plan and help you regain your quality of life.