What to Expect During a Dextrose Prolotherapy Session

Twin Creeks Orthopedic Clinic in Allen, TX, is home to skilled and experienced prolotherapy providers.  This type of treatment modality is another option to treat your injury and provide pain relief.  You should not suffer one more day with chronic pain regardless of the underlying condition.  There may be instances when you suffer from short-term pain or discomfort due to situations such as seen in post-surgery.  However, pain itself is not typical in the long term because there is always an underlying reason.  Pain is not an inevitable part of aging.  Our providers want to discuss your prolotherapy options.

What is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy, short for proliferative therapy, has been around since the early 1900s.  Our providers inject a highly concentrated solution such as dextrose (the same sugar found in your body) into your painful/injured area to boosts your body’s healing processes. Its success has been proven through several reports of injury repair and pain relief.  This pain management therapy targets the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues. These injections have been beneficial in relieving pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, tendinitis, lower back pain, degenerative disc disease, and more.

What to Expect During Prolotherapy?

During prolotherapy sessions, our providers may use ultrasound imaging to help guide the injections for accurate needle placement. Depending on the severity of your injury, you may need follow-up injections as one session may not bring the expected pain relief.  However, these sessions don’t require special monitoring except for their effect on your pain. These injections may reduce your pain and are compatible with other pain treatment options.

Risks of Prolotherapy

The risks following these injections are minor, and few present severe side effects. The risks are no greater than receiving any other type of injection, which present some minor side effects such as:

  • Injection site pain
  • Bruising (rare)
  • Nerve, joint, and tissue damage (rare)

Although recovery time is usually brief, our providers may recommend to not participate in intense physical activities after injections.  We also expect you to report any new or worsening pain, swelling, skin discoloration, rashes, or hives, as we do not anticipate any of these symptoms from occurring.

Every Person Responds Differently

You may not have the same pain tolerance, experience the same effects from such pain management plan, heal similarly, or realize the same effect from a pain treatment. This therapy also may or may not help your chronic pain issues.  The proof is based on how it affects your unique body makeup.

Is There a Chance to Decrease or Eliminate Chronic Pain?

Call our providers at 469-884-7455 in Allen, TX, and schedule your appointment for prolotherapy to help ease or eliminate your chronic pain issues. We want to help you!